Monday, May 18, 2020

Deca Prep Fourth Grade Newsletter - May 18-24 - Issue Number 6

We Area Almost There!!

When I think of that saying, this song from The Princess and The Frog pops into my  mind.  This might be a tough week for our kids, but we can't let them give up.  Because are so close to the end, they might feel like letting up a little bit, but we have a two projects to complete this week: one for math and one for ELA.  Both are about the rainforest.  

Next Week

There will be no new assignments next week.  It is a time for kids (and teachers) to get caught up on all of the work that was missed.  Remember, in order to receive a "complete" on the report card you need to have 60% or more of your work completed.

Fourth Grade Recognition Info

If you didn't catch the Fourth Grade Recognition Information in your class Dojos, here it is now:  

The Last Week of School

We will have updated office hours for you next week.  (We will send those out on Friday.) We will be having an all fourth grade morning meeting every day at 9:30 AM.  Again, there will be no new assignments that last week of school.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Newsletter: May 4-8th - Issue Number 5

Today is May 4th, which some of you probably know is Star Wars day.  It also starts the fifth week of online learning.  It is hard to believe that it has been five weeks already!  Right?

Everyone should have received a progress report on Friday.  It was designed to let you know if your student is on track to either have a "Complete" or "Incomplete" at the end of the quarter.  (We are not giving out letter grades.)

In ELA this week we are working on writing.  Starting with how to write an introductory paragraph, and ending with writing a five paragraph essay.  In Math this week we are working on place value.  We will continue to have read aloud at 11:00 AM every morning.

Teacher Appreciate Week!

At the risk of sounding like we are tooting our own horn, it is Teacher Appreciation Week.  We can't tell you how much we appreciate our colleagues.  The amount of work and dedication DECA Prep teachers put in ever week is beyond comprehension sometimes.    So if you have a moment, please reach out to a teacher and say thank you.  I know he or she will appreciate it.  :-)

Fourth Grade Recognition

Every year DECA Prep has held a recognition ceremony to say goodbye to our fourth graders as the head out to become middle school students.  Of course this year, we can't gather together and recognize our fourth graders in person. So....we are planning a virtual ceremony.  It will be pre-recorded and available on the last day of school, when the original ceremony was planned to be held.

To make this video special, we need your help.  By May 8th, send a baby picture and a current picture along with a few phrases of encouragement no longer than two sentences to your homeroom teacher.    We will be sending out a separate message with more details.

Important Dates

Monday, May 4th
Teacher Appreciation Week
Packet Pick Up and Round 4 of Food Response Program 8:00-10:30 and 5:00-7:30

Friday, May 8th
Baby Pictures And Notes of Encouragement Due

Sunday, May 10th
Mothers Day (The Most Important Holiday of The Year.  Right?)

Friday, May 29th
Last day of school
Recognition Certificate Pick Up (Come Say Good Bye To Your Teacher)

Pictures from This Week

Drawing Baby Yoda During Morning Meeting

Talent Day

Morning Meeting
Crazy Hair Day